dimanche 18 août 2013

Obamacare: la lutte continue

Le principal héritage de Barack Obama est toujours menacé. Depuis que la Cour suprême a rendu un jugement favorable on s'attendait à ce que le jeu ce calme, mais les opposants à la loi sont toujours nombreux et convaincus. Un bel article pour s'y retrouver et pour effectuer un petit recul historique et comprendre pourquoi des projets similaires ont pu survivre à une autre époque...

 "Between now and Oct. 1, the Obama administration has to get ready to enroll millions of people, just as Lyndon Johnson’s administration did during the rollout of Medicare. And it has to put the infrastructure in place and make sure the health care industry is ready to participate, just as Johnson’s people did.

 But on top of all that, Obamacare has a huge extra layer of political hurdles LBJ didn’t have to worry about like battling Congress for money, persuading Republican governors and legislatures to go along, and quieting the well-funded outside groups.

 Republicans insist that this is what Obama and the Democrats signed up for when they decided to push ahead without Republican votes. “It’s very short-sighted to think you can do something this big on a partisan basis,” said Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas). “At some point, you’re going to need bipartisan support for the implementation.”

 Democrats insist that they tried to win GOP support — especially Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, who spent months trying to negotiate a compromise with Senate Republicans — and they wouldn’t bite."


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