lundi 30 septembre 2013

Le bordel chez les républicains

Les plus récents développements démontrent bien que ce sont les républicains de la Chambre des représentants qui bloquent toutes les tentatives de compromis. Le speaker John Boehner doit encore composer avec le Tea party. Les derniers sondages indiquent que les républicains seront considérés comme les responsables du "shutdown" qui s'annonce pour demain.

 "House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) knows the political consequences of being blamed for shutting down the government. He was there, as a one-time key lieutenant to then-Speaker Newt Gingrich the last time a confrontation with a Democratic president brought many government functions to a halt in late 1995 and early 1996.

But for the past two weeks, Boehner has been pushed and pulled by the tea party faction in his conference to pursue a high-stakes game of legislative chicken with the Senate and the White House that risks a repeat of that episode from 17 years ago and potential damage to a Republican brand already near low ebb.

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