lundi 23 septembre 2013

Le Pape François et les États-Unis. Débat dans le New York Times.

François 1er s'est exprimé sur plusieurs sujets depuis son arrivée et ses déclarations suscitent beaucoup de réactions aux États-Unis. Le New York Times présente ce matin quelques réactions.

 "In a remarkable interview released last week, Pope Francis said the church had grown “obsessed” with abortion, gay marriage and contraception, and said it should focus more on socioeconomic issues.

 While not ignoring such bread and butter matters, American bishops have saved their greatest fury for those sexual and reproductive issues. At the same time they have criticized efforts by nuns to improve social welfare efforts, which the pope now says should be emphasized.

 By stirring debate on both economic and cultural issues, what affect will the pope’s words have on American politics?

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