mardi 17 décembre 2013

War on Christmas: une histoire

Beau petit topo sur sur ce débat qui "fait rage" chez nos voisins du sud. Y-a-t'il une "guerre contre Noël"? En quoi consiste-t-elle? Cette menace qui pèse contre Noël depuis neuf ou dix ans a aussi des antécédents.

 "Today’s War Over Christmas still revolves around department stores, and focuses on the rise of “Happy Holidays” and “Holiday Trees.” And it remains alert to an internal enemy poised to stab America in the back. But like everything else, the War Over Christmas has become tarted up, 24-houred and Twitterized—even as it has grown drearily routine, an annual pageant in which culture warriors line the trenches and, like mechanical toy soldiers in a shopping-mall display, fix bayonets and wage the same battle all over again."

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