vendredi 21 février 2014

Chrétiens américains et Russie: les gais comme objectif commun

Si les relations entre les États-Unis et la Russie ne sont pas particulièrement chaleureuses ces temps-ci, cela ne signifie pas qu'il ne puisse y avoir des liens entre certaines organisations. Des chrétiens américains ont influencé les groupes qui s'opposent aux droits des homosexuels en Russie.

 "IN NOVEMBER 2010, Russia's Sanctity of Motherhood organization kicked off its first-ever national conference. The theme, according to its organizers, was urgent: solving "the crisis of traditional family values" in a modernizing Russia. The day opened with a sextet leading 1,000 swaying attendees in a prayer. Some made the sign of the cross, others bowed or raised their arms to the sky before settling into the plush red and gold seats of the conference hall at Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral.

 On the second morning of the conference, the only American in attendance, a tall, collected man, stepped up for his speech. Larry Jacobs, vice president of the Rockford, Illinois-based World Congress of Families (WCF), an umbrella organization for the US religious right's heavy hitters, told the audience that American evangelicals had a 40-year track record of "defending life and family" and they hoped to be "true allies" in Russia's traditional values crusade."

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