dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Troisième débat républicain: la dernière chance pour plusieurs candidats?

Il y a encore un flou en ce qui concerne les règles utilisées pour identifier les candidats qui participeront au troisième débat le 28 octobre. Pour plusieurs ce débat peut être déterminant.

 "“Let’s just say the goal is to create a threshold that candidates have to meet to qualify for the stage rather than committing to putting 10 candidates on the stage. And I don’t think we should commit to more than 10 candidate debates. You have to be viable. So now we’re in debate three it’s time to show viability and only the viable ones survive,” Todd said during an interview on ESPN radio last week. “You can do it a couple different ways. I don’t believe in setting a set number. I think maybe you come up with 'oh are you at five percent or more in Iowa or New Hampshire' you can create a sort of floor, no more four-percenters get in, no more three-percenters get in.”

 While such a floor would clearly eliminate Jindal, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, former New York Gov. George Pataki and former Pennsylania Sen. Rick Santorum, it could also threaten other candidates of lower standing, including Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee."


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