jeudi 14 avril 2016

Hillary Clinton creuse l'écart dans New York à cinq jours du scrutin

Pour ajouter à l'importance et à l'intensité du débat de ce soir...

 "The former secretary of state boasts a 17 point lead over Sanders, 57 percent to his 40 percent, according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll released on Thursday. That's a small increase over a poll the group released earlier this week showing Clinton with a 14-point edge over the Vermont senator.

Thursday’s poll finds that Clinton — who was a New York senator prior to becoming secretary of state — leads with women (60 percent to 37 percent), men (53 percent to 44 percent), non-whites (58 percent to 39 percent), and people ages 45 and older (67 percent to 29 percent).

Sanders leads with people under 45 (55 percent to 42 percent) and people who consider themselves “very liberal” (53 percent to 46 percent)."

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