mardi 19 avril 2016

iPhone et FBI: utile le téléphone de San Bernardino?

Apple et le FBI ferraillent toujours autour des questions de sécurité. Devant un comité de la chambre des représentants plus tôt aujourd'hui, le FBI affirme que le contenu du téléphone du tueur de San Bernardino s'est avéré utile. Apple refusait de perce la sécurité de son téléphone et le FBI y est malgré tout parvenu.

 "Investigators are now more confident that terrorist Syed Farook didn't make contact with another plotter during an 18-minute gap that the FBI said was missing from their time line of the attackers' whereabouts after the mass shooting, the officials said. The phone has helped investigators address lingering concern that the two may have help, perhaps from friends and family, the officials said.

The phone didn't contain evidence of contacts with other ISIS supporters or the use of encrypted communications during the period the FBI was concerned about. The FBI views that information as valuable to the probe, possibilities it couldn't discount without getting into the phone, the officials said."

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