mercredi 20 avril 2016

Sanders au bord du précipice

Sanders ne peut espérer rejoindre Hillary Clinton avant la convention de Philadelphie en juillet. Peut-il, et doit-il, s'accrocher? Les démocrates espèrent que non puisqu'on ne ferait que diviser le parti avant l'élection présidentielle. Si Sanders est un véritable démocrate, pourquoi tenter de détruire la meneuse avant sa confrontation avec le candidat républicain?

 "Hillary Clinton’s crushing 58-42 win over Bernie Sanders in New York puts the nomination firmly within her grasp, and raises some tough questions about what’s next for the Vermont Senator. Exit polls showed that the demographic fundamentals that have shaped this contest throughout continued to hold, and the durability of Clinton’s diverse coalition positions her well for sizable wins next Tuesday in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Connecticut — after which Sanders may need a truly insurmountable percentage of remaining delegates to catch her.

 However, it’s still plausible that Clinton could end up with a sizable advantage among pledged delegates while falling short of winning a majority of delegates overall via primaries and caucuses, meaning she’d need unpledged “super-delegates” to clinch the nomination. And even after the big New York loss, Sanders senior adviser Jeff Weaver said on MSNBC late last night that Sanders will take the battle all the way to the floor of the convention(...)."

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