dimanche 6 novembre 2016

Trump évacué par le Service secret pendant un discours

Pendant un moment on a craint le pire pour le candidat républicain. Un de ses opposants manifestait dans la salle et on a cru qu'il portait une arme. À deux jours de l'élection la tension est palpable et on craint les dérapages.

 "Moments before, the Republican presidential nominee had predicted he would have “tremendous” support from Hispanic voters on Election Day when he spotted the protester.

“We have one of those guys from the Hillary Clinton campaign,” Trump said. “How much are you being paid? $1500? Out. Take him out,” Trump continued, as the crowed roared.

Less than 30 seconds later, Trump was stopped mid-sentence when two Secret Service agents rushed him off stage to safety behind a curtain. An announcer alerted the crowd that Trump would return soon."


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