jeudi 8 décembre 2016

John Glenn est décédé

John Glenn fut un des premiers héros de la conquête spatiale par les Américains. Voici un extrait de la présentation que la NASA faisait de Glenn:

 "What Did John Glenn Do as an Astronaut? In 1959, NASA picked the first group of astronauts. The seven men would fly on the Mercury spacecraft. NASA called these men the "Mercury Seven." John Glenn was one of them.

In 1962, John Glenn became the first American to orbit Earth. He named his spacecraft "Friendship 7." He made three orbits around Earth. He spent about five hours in space. His mission showed that the Mercury spacecraft worked in space. The mission also helped NASA learn more about being in space."

 Pour nous remémorer les débuts du programme spatial et le rôle de John Glenn, pourquoi ne pas relire le roman de Tom Wolfe "The right stuff" ou encore revoir le film qu'il a inspiré?


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