mercredi 9 août 2017

Les États-Unis prêts pour un affrontement avec la Corée du Nord?

L'auteur considère que la rhétorique guerrière de Donald Trump constitue tout au plus uns tactique de négociation. Cette manière de "rouler des mécaniques" ne permettrait pas aux États-Unis de parvenir à leurs objectifs.

 "What the Trump administration seems not to take into account is that considerably more than half of the American public, and even more of foreign publics, think the president is neither honest nor trustworthy. To take a country to war under such circumstances would be to risk division and opposition at home and abroad that would exceed that of the Vietnam War era. The price for Trump’s incessant lying will be paid when he sits behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office and explains to the American people why they should embark on their third Asian war since 1945. Most Americans will not believe him, and upright Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis and dutiful National Security Adviser McMaster will not be much more convincing. The case is one only a president can make, and this president has a deserved reputation for falsehood."

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