mercredi 16 août 2017

Les suprémacistes blancs échappent aux autorités fédérales

Peut-on contrer les groupes qui propagent la haine comme ceux qui se sont retrouvés à Charlottesville? Pas aussi simple que ça... Les autorités fédérales sont confrontées à un certain nombre d'embûches. Si on peut aisément traquer et arrêter les membres de ces groupes, il en va autrement pour les détenir et les accuser. On a souhaité limiter les pouvoirs des autorités gouvernementales d'enquêter sur des citoyens américains, mais cela peut aussi constituer un frein. Équilibre délicat ici...

 "The FBI and Department of Homeland of security broadly track dozens of neo-Nazi, “sovereign” and other white Christian militant groups in the U.S. But while federal officials have numerous legal tools to closely monitor and arrest a U.S. citizen or resident who shows support for a federally designated foreign terrorist organization like ISIS, American hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan have many more legal protections that make their members and sympathizers much harder targets.

 The contrast results in part from legal safeguards created to prevent the U.S. government from abusing its power to surveil its own citizens." “There have been strong constraints historically on the FBI's ability to investigate political movements in the United States and to collect intelligence without a clear indication that the commission of a crime is imminent,” said J.M. Berger, a specialist on U.S. extremists at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism in The Hague. “Any change to those restrictions would really be a Pandora's box.”

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