mardi 17 juillet 2018

"Nous sommes un pays profondément stupide" (Dana Milbank)

Sur le site du Washington Post le chroniqueur Milbank revient sur plusieurs déclarations de Donald Trump. Si le président, selon ses propres termes, est un génie stable, il y a bien des gens qui ne comprennent rien...

 "My fellow Americans, we are a deeply stupid nation.

I know this must be the case because President Trump has repeatedly informed us that we are a “stupid country” — he offered this opinion on at least nine occasions since he launched his campaign for the presidency — and he should know. As he reminded us after his NATO meeting last week, he is a “very stable genius.”

 It is furthermore the president’s highly intelligent opinion we have been led by “stupid people” and “our laws are so corrupt and stupid.” We have been stupid about trade. We have been stupid in dealing with Iraq, Iran, China, Mexico, Canada, Europe and Muslims. We have the “dumbest” immigration laws. Among the many stupid things Trump has identified: White House staffers, the FBI, the National Football League, Democrats, the filibuster and journalists."

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