Hillary Clinton a secrètement rencontré un des principaux responsables de la victoire de Barack Obama en 2008. Qui de mieux que ce stratège qui a contribué à la vaincre pour identifier ses forces et ses faiblesses? Parions que David Plouffe ne sera pas très loin lorsque Mme Clinton entrera officiellement dans la course. J'ai déjà affirmé à plusieurs reprises qu'Obama avait bénéficié du travail d'une formidable équipe en 2008, une équipe grandement sollicitée depuis.
"In Plouffe’s view, articulated in the intervening years, Clinton had been too defensive, too reactive, too aware of her own weaknesses, too undisciplined in 2008. His team would goad her into making mistakes, knowing that run-of-the-mill campaign attacks (like Obama’s claim she merely had “tea,” not serious conversation, with world leaders as first lady) would get under her skin and spur a self-destructive overreaction (Clinton responded to the tea quip by falsely portraying a 1990s goodwill trip to Bosnia with the comedian Sinbad as a dangerous wartime mission). She was too easily flustered.
Plouffe’s last and most pressing point was about timing. A couple of weeks earlier, Clinton had told an audience in Mexico City, “I am going to be making a decision ... probably after the first of the year, about whether I’m going to run again or not.” The comment alarmed top Democrats: The Republican attack machine was already revving up, running anti-Hillary focus groups to figure out her vulnerabilities, dispatching opposition researchers to Arkansas, churning out anti-Hillary books and creating Fox News-fodder talking points to cast her State Department tenure as a failure and her campaign-to-be as a third-term extension of Obama’s increasingly unpopular presidency.