mardi 26 février 2019

Pacte de non-agression entre les candidats démocrates?

On tente déjà de prévenir les coups. Déjà hier Bernie Sanders affirmait qu'il serait important de reconnaître le gagnant ou la gagnante.

"Democratic Party chairs in the four early presidential states are working to convince the 2020 presidential candidates to avoid waging social media disinformation warfare against each other.

 "The effort began this week with a letter to state party chairs across the country broadly laying out the issue with an ultimate goal of establishing what amounts to a non-aggression pact, according to a copy of the letter obtained by POLITICO."

Caricature Robert Kraft ne lance pas la serviette

Caricature de Dave Granlund,

Caricature Robert Kraft: passe complétée

Caricature de Bill Day, Tallahassee, FL

La stratégie de Trump pour la Corée du nord séduit certains experts

Fallait-il balancer tout les codes diplomatiques habituels pour parvenir à des résultats dans les négociations avec la Corée du nord? Certains espèrent y croient et se rangent derrière le président.

 "When Barack Obama took office, the boxes were a mixture of pinks and light reds. By the time he left office, eight out of 11 boxes were bright red, with North Korea testing missiles and bombs.

By 2017 — with Trump’s bombastically calling Kim “Little Rocket Man”— nine boxes were bright red.

“The risk of war was high,” Hecker said.

Since then, though, the diplomacy box has shifted to green. With North Korea suspending nuclear and missile tests, other boxes have returned to a more reassuring mid-red or pink.

“Rapid North/South rapprochement and the Singapore Summit in 2018 dramatically lowered tensions and the threat of war on the Korean Peninsula,” the trio says in a report, “creating space and time to pursue diplomatic solutions.”"

Allégations d'abus sexuels à l'endroit de jeunes migrants détenus à la frontière à la hausse

La nature des incidents varie, mais le nombre de plaintes est alarmant.

 "From October 2014 to July 2018, the HHS' Office of Refugee Resettlement received 4,556 complaints, and the Department of Justice received 1,303 complaints. This includes 178 allegations of sexual abuse by adult staff."

Michael Cohen pourrait incriminer Donald Trump

Une fois de plus l'histoire du paiement à l'actrice Stormy Daniels refait surface. Michael Cohen s'apprêterait à déposer un document qui montre que le candidat Trump a bel et bien commis un crime.

 "The person said the document will refute a claim by Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, that Cohen used a $35,000 a month retainer from Trump as reimbursement for paying off Daniels. Cohen — who will soon report to prison for a three-year sentence tied to a litany of tax fraud and lying charges — is scheduled to appear Wednesday in a public House hearing, and will also testify privately on Tuesday and Thursday before Senate and House investigators.

During his testimony, Cohen also plans to address a much-discussed BuzzFeed report that the president ordered him to lie to Congress about business dealings in Russia during the campaign. The story initially sparked impeachment speculation, but was later thrown into question when special counsel Robert Mueller’s office took the rare step of issuing a carefully worded denial of certain elements of the piece.

“He’ll explain exactly why he lied and how he came to lie,” said the person familiar with Cohen’s testimony."

Aux origines de Jim Crow dans le nord

Quand on pense au personnage de Jim Crow ou encore aux lois Jim Crow ce sont d'abord des images du sud et de la ségrégation qui nous viennent à l'esprit. Comme je l'explique parfois en classe à mes étudiants, la situation des Noirs dans le nord du pays n'est pas toujours forcément plus facile et on constate beaucoup de discrimination même si le mouvement abolitionniste y trouve ses origines. Ce récit de Steve Luxenberg dans le Washington Post de ce matin est particulièrement intéressant et jette un éclairage nouveau sur la question.

 "When the conductor ordered them to separate, Douglass stayed put. The conductor laid down the usual ultimatum: the Jim Crow car or ejection. Collins demanded to know the basis for the conductor’s directive. The conductor ripped down a posted placard from the car’s entrance and thrust it toward them. Collins treated the placard’s words as one more debating point, arguing that the rule violated the state constitution’s guarantee of equal rights. But he and Douglass proved no match for the half-dozen men who seized Douglass and dragged him out of the car.

Then, a complicating sequence of events for the exasperated conductor: Another abolitionist on the train, George Foster, announced his intention to join Douglass in his exile from the whites-only car. The conductor stood firm against this unexpected challenge, telling Foster that he “was not black enough to sit there.” Foster fumed, but retreated.

The next day at the meeting in New Hampshire, Collins and Douglass ignited the assembled with their account. Soon, the abolitionists had more than another outrage to discuss. Thanks to Ruggles and Douglass, they now had a rallying cry and a new cause: Ban the “dirt car,” as it was also known. Send Jim Crow, they demanded, to the “receptacle of forgotten barbarisms.”

Caricature sommet de Hanoï prolongé?

Caricature de Dave Whamond, Canada,

Chronique dans "Dutrizac de 6 à 9": Cohen s'amène fin devant le congrès, l'influence de Mike Pence et une autre femme accuse Trump

À 6h40 dans l'émission du 26 février:

lundi 25 février 2019

Caricature "The Green Book" vainqueur controversé

Caricature de David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star, Tucson, AZ

Semaine folle pour le communisme

Mine de rien plusieurs régimes communistes connaissent des développements intéressants cette semaine. Si la Corée du nord et le Vietnam retiennent l'attention en raison de la rencontre entre Donald Trump et Kim Jong-Un à Hanoï, Cuba vient de se doter de sa première constitution depuis 1976 et le président américain semble prêt à mettre fin au conflit commercial avec la Chine.

 "The big picture: In the three decades since the fall of the Berlin Wall, communism has faded in much of the world and, where it remains, been pushed “discreetly aside in the pursuit of business,” as Will Englund put it in the Washington Post.

“Today it lives on in only the most attenuated forms. North Korea is the one ferocious holdout among the remaining Communist nations, but even there markets have been changing the nature of the economy,” Englund writes."

Caricature en attendant Godot ou Mueller?

Caricature de RJ Matson, CQ Roll Call

Caricature Donald Trump ferme sur la menace nucléaire!

Caricature de Wolverton, Battle Ground, WA

Une victoire démocrate en 2020 passe-t-elle par le midwest ou par le sud?

D'entrée de jeu je précise que je suis dans le camp de ceux qui croient que pour gagner en 2020 les Démocrates doivent se concentrer sur le Wisconsin, le Michigan et la Pennsylvanie pour reconquérir ce qui était leur fameux "pare-feu" ou "firewall". Il y a de belles percées dans le sud et l'évolution démographique pourrait bien offrir un avenir avantageux aux candidatures démocrates, mais pour moi le chemin le plus sûr passe par le midwest. Selon l'analyse présentée ici, bien viser dans le sud serait cependant aussi payant...

 "Yet far away from the mounting snowdrifts that line every curb here, there is a growing school of thought that Democrats should not spend so much time, money and psychic energy tailoring their message to a heavily white, rural and blue-collar part of the country when their coalition is increasingly made up of racial minorities and suburbanites. The party should still pursue voters who have drifted toward Republicans, this thinking goes, but should also place a high priority on mobilizing communities more amenable to progressive politics.

 The numerical swap between the three Rust Belt states that handed Mr. Trump the White House and the most alluring trio of Sun Belt targets is nearly even: Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin have a combined 46 electoral votes, while North Carolina, Georgia and Arizona offer 42. And an aspirational “reach” state like Texas would offer a larger trove of electoral votes for Democrats than the combined total of Ohio and Iowa, states that have started to slip away from the party."

Mike Pence plus puissant qu'on ne le croit

L'influence de Mike Pence ne se limite pas qu'à la seule question de l'avortement au sein de l'administration Trump. Généralement discret, Pence aurait une grande influence sur la politique étrangère. Il ne faudrait pas le sous-estimer.

 "Pence also exerts power on other critical foreign policy issues. He publicly — and controversially —attacked European allies in a recent Warsaw speech for not supporting Trump's maximum pressure campaign on Iran.

He infuriated Turkish officials while working with Trump to secure the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson from a Turkish prison.

 He also gave the toughest speech on China by any American leader in recent history, and has worked with key officials, including John Bolton, to shape the administration's China policy."

Caricature Cohen témoigne enfin devant le congrès

Caricature de Dave Whamond, Canada,

Retirer la citoyenneté à des Américains qui ont combattu pour l'État islamique?

De Lee Harvey Oswald (qui souhaitait se défaire de sa citoyenneté américaine) à Hoda Muthana, comment devrait-on gérer ces individus qui se tournent contre leur pays? Dans le cas complexe et récent de Muthana qui souhaite revenir au pays, l'administration Trump prétend qu'elle n'est pas citoyenne alors que les avocats de la jeune femme affirme qu'elle détient toujours un passeport attestant du contraire. Au-delà du débat juridique, l'auteur de cet article croit qu'accueillir ces gens est un devoir moral. Qu'en pensez-vous?

 "I share Thomas Hegghammer’s suspicion that the harsh attitude of U.K. Home Secretary Sajid Javid toward Shamima Begum (who gave birth on Sunday, and wants to bring her baby home too) owes much to a desire to deter future terrorist travelers. Begum is now among the most detested Britons. Unlike Muthana, she has expressed no regret at having left London for Syria. If she is allowed back, some may reasonably conclude that joining a murderous cult is a decision with little legal downside, especially if during your terrorist holiday you refrain from Instagramming evidence of your complicity in murder. (How will prosecutors prove that these women are guilty of anything? Until very recently, we didn’t even know they were alive.) Being turned into an example, for purposes of deterrence, is partly bad luck for Begum. Of course, criminals have bad luck all the time, and that alone is not a reason to treat her mildly.

 But of all arguments against denaturalization, I find the moral ones most compelling: Begum and Muthana are ours. ISIS foreign fighters think of themselves as members of a Muslim ummah stretching back 1,400 years. But my reporting shows that with very few exceptions, they always bear marks of the culture in which they were raised. They thought the Islamic State would be a utopia, but usually their idea of utopia was conditioned by the ideals of their home nation. Japanese recruits projected onto the caliphate an idealized form of Japanese culture; Texans saw an Islamic Wild West; Brits thought that the Islamic State would fulfill a dream of social welfare that the U.K. had aspired to, but never quite managed to create."

Lady Gaga et Bradley Cooper nous ont-ils offert le moment de la soirée avec leur interprétation de "Shallow"

 Je n'ai pas l'habitude de relayer beaucoup d'articles sur les différentes remises de prix aux États-Unis, encore moins pour commenter une interprétation. Si je me limite souvent au caractère politique de certains choix, je croise dans mes lectures du matin un grand nombre d'articles sur la performance des deux vedettes du film "A star is born", deuxième remake d'un succès des années 1930. J'avoue avoir été séduit par l'aisance et le naturel avec lesquels les deux artistes ont quitté leur siège respectif pour offrir une très solide performance. Selon l'auteur de cet article, la puissance de ce duo trouve son origine dans la manière de filmer la scène. 

 "The same could be said for Sunday’s supernaturally intimate rendition of “Shallow,” the building-then-boiling duet that would later win Best Original Song. The first brilliant thing that Cooper and Gaga did was break with the loud, fake-y, predictable rhythm of awards shows: After one acceptance speech ended, the guitar-picking began, without so much as a canned joke of a celebrity introduction. Cameras placed viewers at the back of the stage; the curtain lifted; crew members pushed a piano into place. Welding-hot lights from the stands of the theater, seen from a singer’s vantage, evoked the final scene of A Star Is Born. A slow-floating lens searched as if it were God’s eye, or a director’s. The TV gala, it seemed, had ended. A movie was beginning.

And then Gaga and Cooper got up.

As in, they got out of their seats in the front row where they’d been sitting all night. It was such a simple thing, and so shocking. Naturally, the point of the Oscars is the audience itself, with each member a potential trove of speeches, GIFs, and gossip. Cooper and Gaga provided such treats in generous quantities over the awards season, with months of mutual-admiration spectacles on red carpets fueling speculation—fan fiction, really—of an affair. Last week, Gaga’s engagement to Christian Carino ended, intensifying the heavy breathing among observers. On Sunday, Cooper’s longtime partner, Irina Shayk, sat between him and Gaga in the front row: a theoretically un-extraordinary move that landed like a dramatic twist in the narrative."

Caricature Donald et Kim: l'histoire se poursuit

Caricature de Tom Janssen, The Netherlands

Alva Johnson poursuit Donald Trump: le candidat Trump l'aurait embrassée sans son consentement

Mme Johnson a travaillé pour la campagne Trump. La Maison Blanche a rapidement nié que le président se soit comporté de manière inappropriée avec elle. Je rappelle qu'une bonne douzaine de femmes reprochent le même genre de comportement à Donald Trump.

 "Johnson, an event planner who lives in Madison County, Ala., is seeking unspecified damages for emotional pain and suffering. The federal lawsuit, filed Monday in Florida, also alleges that the campaign discriminated against Johnson, who is black, by paying her less than her white male counterparts. A campaign spokeswoman, Kayleigh McEnany, rejected that claim as “off-base and unfounded.”"

Chronique dans "Dutrizac 6 à 9": un mot sur les Oscars, sommet à Hanoï et rapport Mueller

À 6h40 dans l'émission du 25 février:

Sommet Donald Trump et Kim Jong-Un: un seul gagnant possible?

Si on considère que ses propres agences de renseignements croient peu dans la démarche, Donald Trump joue gros et risque beaucoup. Peut-il gagner son pari? Le New York Times croit plutôt que c'est le leader Nord-coréen qui s'en tirera avec les honneurs.

 "As the second Trump-Kim meeting approaches, North Korea looks to have the upper hand again.

Mr. Kim has been playing hardball. If the United States “persists in imposing sanctions and pressure against our Republic,” he warned in his New Year’s address last month, “we may be compelled to find a new way for defending the sovereignty of the country and the supreme interests of the state and for achieving peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula.”

Team Trump, for its part, is painfully understaffed. The Senate has yet to confirm an assistant secretary of state for East Asia and the Pacific. Stephen Biegun, the special representative for North Korea, is widely respected, but has been working the file for just six months. The North Korean side has brushed off American entreaties both for a nuclear inventory and for setting up substantive working groups ahead of the summit in Hanoi. All of that is to its advantage."

Donald Trump reproche à Spike Lee une déclaration raciste

Le président des États-Unis a été choqué par les propos de Spike qui, après avoir accepté une statuette, a rappelé l'existence de l'esclavage aux États-Unis et appelé les gens à se mobiliser pour voter en 2020. On devine que Donald Trump s'est tout de suite senti visé, lui qui considère en avoir fait plus pour les Noirs que presque tous les autres présidents... Pour ma part, ce sont surtout les propos de Lee à propos de la victoire de "The Green Book" qui ont attiré mon attention. On peut comprendre sa déception de ne pas remporter la statuette soulignant le meilleur film, mais s'en prendre au gagnant me semblait inutile. À sa manière coutumière, Lee n'a pas manqué de répondre à Donald Trump.

 "Aside from his acceptance speech, Lee also spoke about Trump on Sunday night while talking to reporters.

In response to a question, Lee referred to the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., last year that turned deadly.

“That car drove down that one street in Virginia, and the president of the United States did not reject, refute, did not denounce the Klan, Alt-Right and Neo-Nazis,” Lee said. “This film, whether we won Best Picture or not, this film will stand the test of time being on the right side of history.”

L.histoire noire du "Green Book"

La victoire de "The Green Book" aux Oscars suscite un peu de controverse aux États-Unis. L'histoire, racontée selon le point de vue du blanc, rappelle même à quelques auteurs les tristement célèbres lois Jim Crow. Le film se veut pourtant rassembleur dans le ton et il permet de faire découvrir à bien spectateurs le guide dont plus personne ne parlait.

 "The Green Book was subversive in another way as well. It promoted an image of African-Americans that white Americans rarely saw — and that Hollywood deliberately avoided in films for fear of offending racist Southerners. The guide’s signature image, shown on the cover of the 1948 edition — and used as stationery logo for Victor Green, Inc. — consisted of a smiling, well-dressed couple striding toward their car carrying expensive suitcases.

Green believed exposing white Americans to the black elite might persuade white business owners that black consumer spending was significant enough to make racial discrimination imprudent. Like the black elite itself, he subscribed to the view that affluent travelers of color could change white minds about racism simply by venturing to places where black people had been unseen. As it turned out, black travelers had a democratizing effect on the country."

jeudi 21 février 2019

Caricature partenaires dans le crime

Caricature de Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune, UT

Peut-on maintenant acheter un poste d'ambassadeur américain?

Des chiffres troublants présentés sur le site d'Axios hier. Depuis quelques années déjà on s'interroge sur la qualité de certaines nominations à la tête des ambassades américaines. Faut-il favoriser des diplomates de carrière ou récompenser la loyauté de partisans loyaux du président ou de sa formation politique? À cette question s'ajoute récemment une autre préoccupation, celui du lien entre une nomination est les contributions à la caisse électorales. Sous Donald Trump le malaise est évident. Jamais le nombre de diplomates de carrière n'a été aussi bas et la moyenne de contributions électorales des dernières nominations est de 96 000$. Donald Trump n'invente rien ici, mais la pratique atteint des sommets.

 "Though favored by presidents, America's preference for selecting ambassadors from outside the professional diplomatic corps is rare among advanced democracies and is opposed by the U.S. Foreign Service's professional association."

Caricature Jussie Smollett

Caricature de Bob Englehart, Middletown, CT

Chronique dans "Nathalie le midi": retour sur l'état d'urgence à la frontière, Bernie 2020 et rapport à venir de Robert Mueller

Dans la section "Réécouter" du 21 février:

Chronique dans "Trudeau le midi": rapport Mueller, Bernie dans la course, vente de réacteurs nucléaires à l'Arabie saoudite et enquête du congrès

Dans les balados de l'émission du 21 février:

Chronique dans "Dutrizac de 6 à 9": rapport Mueller la semaine prochaine, Trump songerait à congédier Dan Coats et revenir aux États-Unis après avoir servi l'État islamique

La chronique à 6h40 dans l'émission du 21 février:

Caricature Brexit Poker

Caricature de Petar Pismestrovic, Kleine Zeitung, Austria

Caricature neige à l'infini

Caricature de Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, MN

lundi 18 février 2019

Jasper Johns la légende américaine

Un de mes premiers contacts avec l'art américain fut la découverte de "Flag" (1954) qui est actuellement au MOMA de New York. Je ne découvris le géant qu'est Jasper Johns que bien des années plus tard. Le New York Times Magazine consacre ici un article sur l'influence durable d'un des pères du Pop Art.

 "Johns has assiduously avoided his public throughout his career, and yet he has also managed to consistently speak to what it is to be alive in America at any given moment. From his iconic paintings in the mid-50s of the American flag, which seemed to embody the fallout of Red Scare nationalism, to the modish apathy of his bronze sculptures of banal objects like flashlights and light bulbs, to his almost compulsive return in his later paintings to a holistic system of ambiguous symbols like galaxy spirals and cartoonish stick figures holding exaggeratedly large paintbrushes, he has been in a constant state of reinvention. He is the rare artist whose work has never become stale, who in his 80s is still creating strange and mysterious images that could be looked at endlessly and never fully reveal themselves. Whether Johns is actually about anything (or nothing) in particular has been the central question of his work, and yet it is ultimately less important than his endless search for meaning itself — the mere act of the lone artist entering the studio every day and deciding to continue. His constant presence is defined mostly by self-erasure, which has made him an artist who has disappeared almost entirely into his work. There is a sense that he’s been here forever, and that no one will replace him once he’s gone."

Caricature état d'urgence: test ultime...

Caricature de John Darkow, Columbia Missourian

Le complot pour assassiner George Washington

Bien intéressant cet article rédigé autour du contenu du livre "The first conspiracy". Bien sûr on ne peut réécrire l'histoire, mais on peut s'amuser à imaginer ce que seraient les États-Unis si le héros de la guerre d'indépendance avant été éliminé. Un épisode méconnu de l'histoire américaine. Si aujourd'hui on se plaît à rappeler l'élan patriote qui mènera à la naissance du pays, on omet souvent de préciser que l'idée de l'indépendance ne fait pas l'unanimité et que Washington ne manquera pas d'ennemis dans son propre pays.

 “We love in America to tell the story of the American Revolution where we just all held hands together, dreamed of democracy and took on the British,” Meltzer says. “It's a great story. It's not the real story.”

There was no polling data then, but historians estimate that in the summer of 1776, about one in five white colonists were loyal to the king. Most loyalists were in the middle colonies of New York and New Jersey, and included New York’s royal governor, William Tryon.

Tryon had been forced into a strange exile onboard a ship docked in the New York harbor, where he waited for the British invasion and took regular visitors. One of those visitors was David Mathews, the loyalist mayor of New York City. Together, they worked on a way to help the British from behind enemy lines.

  “The plan was that they were going to blow up certain bridges, they were going to steal cannons, and some said they were going to kill George Washington right there in an assassination. And others say they were going to kidnap him and hang him,” Meltzer says.

Obviously, the two would need help to pull off something so huge, and it was Mathews’s job to recruit conspirators. He got at least four of them from Washington’s elite Life Guard, a sort of proto-Secret Service responsible for protecting the commander in chief."

Chronique dans "Dutrizac de 6 à 9": retour sur la déclaration d'urgence, Andrew McCabe se vide le coeur et on souligne le "President's day"

Nos échanges à 6h40 dans l'émission du 18 février:

Les Américains de tous les états sauf le Vermont échoueraient le test de citoyenneté

Le site Axios utilise le prétexte du "President's day" pour partager ce sondage qui démontre que les immigrants doivent en savoir plus que les Américains eux-mêmes sur leur propre histoire. Vous croyez que les résultats seraient différents au Canada? Chez nos voisins du sud ils seraient six sur dix à échouer le test de citoyenneté.

 "It suggests most Americans can't live up to the standards we set for people applying to be U.S. citizens — and we set those standards because we expect Americans to be informed and engaged. Only four out of 10 Americans would have passed the test, and just 27% of those under age 45."

dimanche 17 février 2019

Colin Kaepernick s'entend avec la NFL et pourrait jouer avec les Panthers

Sitôt l'entente avec la NFL annoncée (les détails de l'entente demeurent secrets) l'agent de Colin Kaepernick laisse entendre qu'il pourrait rejoindre Eric Reid, l'autre joueur qui est parvenu à une entente avec la ligue. Au plan sportif l'ajout de Kaepernick serait une solution logique avec la blessure de Cam Newton.

 "By signing Reid last year and then re-signing him to a long-term deal, the Panthers have shown that they aren't afraid of putting a player on the roster who wants to make a political statement. That makes them a strong fit for Kaepernick.

Also, there is some uncertainty surrounding starting quarterback Cam Newton. Carolina shut down Newton late last season because of a shoulder injury, and he underwent surgery in January. If Newton has to miss part of the 2019 season, the Panthers may be in the market for a quarterback.

Carolina's offense is built around a dual-threat quarterback in Newton, and Kaepernick is similar in that he can beat teams with his legs and his big arm."

Caricature la taille de la dette ne fait pas peur aux Républicains

Caricature de Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, MN

Un démocrate blanc et hétérosexuel peut-il encore déposer sa candidature?

Après une hésitation (les hommes blancs hétéros n'ont-ils pas dominé la vie politique américaine depuis le départ???), j'ai décidé de relayer le texte parce qu'il démontre que la diversité des candidatures démocrates dérange ou fait réfléchir. Je répondrais oui à cette question et c'est peut-être encore un blanc hétéro qui représentera le parti. À l'évidence les temps changent et on le perçoit nettement. Les Républicains tardent à réagir à cette évolution ainsi qu'aux changements démographiques, ce qui contribue à accentuer l'écart entre les états conservateurs et les plus progressistes, entre les zones rurales et urbaines. Le GOP étire son électorat et la polarisation n'est pas sur le point de prendre fin.

 "Does this mean that Democratic Party voters are so obsessed with identity politics that they are shutting straight white men out of the party? No. Who have been the top two candidates in nearly every primary poll? Not just two straight white males, but geriatric ones: Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are the two oldest straight white men in the lot. In the most recent POLITICO/Morning Consult Democratic presidential primary tracking poll, the straight white male candidates, largely driven by Biden and Sanders, combined to garner 64 percent of the vote. Biden and Sanders are holding the top slots with the help of double-digit support among African-Americans, Latinos and women, showing that it remains possible for a white male Democratic candidate to knit together a diverse coalition.

Still, the straight white men—including Biden and Sanders—are not being irrational by hesitating. Yes, they are risking a loss of media buzz, A-list staff and access to donor networks by allowing others get a head start. But they have good reason to tread carefully. Issues pertaining to race and gender are bound to be prominent in the campaign, and white men do not exactly have the best track record of dealing with them."

Les Tours de Laliberté migrent: rejoignez-moi sur le site du Journal de Québec et du Journal de Montréal

Depuis un certain temps je me demandais comment faire évoluer mon petit carnet web. La réponse m'est parvenue par le biais d'u...