Dans le NY Times de ce matin on explique que malgré le recours à la force, le régime en place perd peu à peu le contrôle... Peut-on espérer un réel changement?
Un extrait:
"Witnesses described the streets of Tripoli, the capital, as a war zone. In several neighborhoods of the city, including Fashloom, protesters tried to seal off the streets with makeshift barricades of scrap steel and other debris. Forces loyal to Colonel Qaddafi had so far failed to surmount the barricades and young protesters appeared to be gathering rocks to throw in their defense in anticipation of a renewed attack.
Outside the barricades, militiamen and Bedouin tribesmen defending the strongman and his 40-year rule were stationed at intersections around the city. Many carried Kalashnikov assault rifles and an anti-aircraft gun was deployed in front of the state television headquarters."
Au plan international, on condamne les actions de l'actuel gouverbement:
"International condemnation of the violence continued to build. “Now is the time to stop this unacceptable bloodshed,” said Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in a statement. Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations secretary general, said Monday that he had spoken to Colonel Qaddafi and urged him to immediately halt attacks on protesters."
Cependant, ce serait étonnant que le régime tombe sans se battre:
The violence Colonel Qaddafi unleashed in Tripoli on Monday demonstrated that he was willing to shed far more blood than the deposed rulers of either neighboring Egypt or Tunisia in his effort to hold on to power.
“This is not Ben Ali or Mubarak,” said one resident, referring to the deposed leaders of Tunisia and Egypt. “This man has no sense of humanity.” In a sign of growing cracks within the government, several senior officials broke with Colonel Qaddafi. The Quryna newspaper, which has ties to Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, reported that the justice minister, Mustafa Abud al-Jeleil, had resigned in protest over the deadly response to the demonstrations."
Et les manifestants sont déterminés:
"“He will never let go of his power,” said one, Abdel Rahman. “This is a dictator, an emperor. He will die before he gives an inch. But we are no longer afraid. We are ready to die after what we have seen.”"
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