mercredi 8 juin 2011

Weiner se confie à Bill Clinton!

Comme je le mentionnais hier, l'épouse de Weiner est très proche d'Hillary Clinton. Ce qui est presqu'amusant, c'est la réaction indignée de... Bill Clinton. Weiner se serait confié à lui...

"Rep. Anthony Weiner explained himself and apologized for his conduct to Bill Clinton, who officiated his wedding to wife Huma Abedin, sources familiar with the call said.

Weiner made the call within the past 48 hours. It took place following his emotional press conference Monday in New York City, where he admitted that he had posted a lewd photo of himself to Twitter 10 days earlier, the sources said.

It wasn’t immediately clear what was said on the call, but sources said that the Clintons - who are deeply loyal to Abedin - are distressed by the “sexting” scandal that Weiner immersed his wife in.

Abedin, a longtime aide to former first lady Hillary Clinton, has been seen as a surrogate member of the Clinton family for years. At her Long Island wedding to Weiner last summer, Abedin was toasted by Chelsea Clinton as being like a sister to her, according to several guests.

Bill Clinton volunteered to perform the ceremony, which according to guests was an emotional undertaking for him.

Abedin is currently a top aide to Hillary Clinton at the State Department."

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