dimanche 14 août 2011

Michele Bachmann: elle ne juge pas les gais...

Les gais la jugeront s'ils se souviennent de ses autres déclarations...

"Fresh off her win at the Iowa straw poll, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on Sunday launched a media blitz on the morning talk shows.

For the most part, Bachmann stayed on message, calling for the repeal of "Obamacare" and reigning in government spending. But an interesting moment came when Meet The Press host David Gregory challenged Bachmann's position on homosexuality.

It's no secret Bachmann isn't the biggest fan of gays. But when Gregory played a clip of Bachmann saying homosexuality leads to "personal enslavement" and "bondage," she responded simply by saying "I am running for the presidency of the United States."

"I am not running to be anyone's judge," she added.

"But you have judged them," Gregory pressed.

"I don't judge them," Bachmann responded. "I don't judge them. I am running for the presidency of the United States."

Bachmann echoed her position that marriage should be between a man and a woman. But she said she "ascribes honor and dignity to every person, no matter their background."

This issue came up earlier, on ABC's This Week, when Bachmann told Jake tapper essentially the same thing: she's running to be president, not anyone's judge.

So both hosts wanted to know, would she consider appointing an openly gay man or woman to her administration? Bachmann said her only criteria would be whether the person upholds the Constitution and is competent, "nothing more."

But Gregory pressed Bachmann a little further, asking, for instance, would a gay couple who adopts a child be considered a "family" in her eyes.

"All these kinds of questions really aren't about what people are concerned about right now," Bachmann said. "I think my views are clear."

Indeed, they are."


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