mardi 18 octobre 2011

Gilad Schalit:sentiments partagés (Jerusalem post)

On se réjouit de la libération du soldat, mais on s'inquiète des violences à venir...

"As we anxiously await the release of Gilad Schalit, national sentiments are mixed.

Feelings fluctuate from joy at the prospect that Schalit will finally be free after more than five long years of captivity, to trepidation that the release will lead to more terrorism and violence.

There is an irresistible desire to celebrate Gilad’s imminent freedom with the Schalit family, and appreciate their emotional stamina and stubborn refusal to give up, which after so long finally seems to be paying off.

But at the same time, one cannot help but empathize with, for instance, the Roth family, whose daughter Malka was murdered along with 14 others in the August 2001 Sbarro Pizzeria suicide bombing in Jerusalem."

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