mardi 18 octobre 2011

Herman Cain: dégoûtés par sa "blague" des hispanophones républicains quittent

Sa "blague" sur les immigrants illégaux qui pourraient être électrocutés grâce à ses nouvelles mesures à la frontière ne fait pas l'unanimité...

"Lauro Garza, 49, has been a Republican as long as he remembers, proudly casting his vote for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and sticking with the party ever since. But after hearing Herman Cain’s “joke” about killing illegal immigrants with an electric border fence, he’s seen enough.

Garza is the Texas state director for Somos Republicans, an activist group whose stated mission is to bring Latino voters into the GOP fold. On Tuesday, he announced on the group’s website that he’s cut up his Texas GOP membership card (he posted a picture) and will identify as an independent from now on.

“I’m serious,” he told TPM over the phone. “I have allegedly pro-life Republicans telling me that advocating for the murder of people crossing the border is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. We took Herman Cain’s remark very seriously because it was the second or third time he had said similar things.”

Garza dismissed Cain’s initial comments that the statement was a joke, noting that Cain subsequently said he would seriously consider an actual electrified fence as a solution to the border crisis. To Garza, the reaction of the GOP already gave away the game.

“People didn’t laugh, they cheered,” he said. “They didn’t think it was a joke. That remarks advocating the murder of innocent people and unconstitutional use of force by someone running for president were met with cheers by Republicans is outrageous.”"

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