mardi 18 octobre 2011

Hillary Clinton: des pressions pour 2012

Symboliquement, ses partisans font des dons de 20.12$

""The purpose was to to encourage her to reconsider her candidacy for 2012," said Will Bower, a Clinton die-hard who ponied up his $20.12 on Aug. 13, around the time many of the other like-minded donors cut checks.

"Many of us still believe she was the victor in 2008, if not on paper, in spirit," said Bower, who ended up voting for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in 2008.

Clinton had been the focus of a flurry of speculation about a possible Democratic challenger for President Obama shortly before the burst of contributions.

"It was essentially a call of encouragement," Bower said. "There's a strong Facebook community for it," he added, noting that one he is involved with boasts about 1,500 members.

Most recognize that it is very unlikely that Clinton, the current secretary of state, will run for president again in 2012 -- Clinton has said repeatedly she's done with electoral politics.

But Bower and others like him are not giving up hope. "We feel that she would have been the better president, and would be," Bower said."

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