lundi 17 octobre 2011

Jobs bill: les démocrates du Congrès en mode attaque! Manifestation à Washington!

Comme on peut le voir sur la photo les leaders Nancy Pelosi (minorité à la Chambre) et Larry Reid (majorité Sénat), unissent leurs efforts pour exercer une pression sur les élus républicains. Regroupement à Washington mercredi!

"Hoping to put political pressure on Republicans and provide a few sympathetic visuals for reporters, congressional Democrats are planning to host a rally on Capitol Hill this week to push a major component of President Barack Obama's jobs plan.

A Democratic source says that on Wednesday, the party is likely to host firefighters, cops and other first responders along with teachers who face the threat of being laid off should lawmakers not send additional funds to states. Another source confirmed that preparations are underway for a rally.

The purpose of the affair is straightforward. It aims to put a human face on a legislative effort that would see $30 billion or so spent on education-related jobs and another $5 billion on first responders, all of which would be paid for by placing a tax on income above $1 million. By bringing those individuals who stand to benefit from the bill to Washington D.C., Democrats are practically doing the national press corps' homework for them.

The extent to which the White House will be involved in the affair remains unclear. But the administration does see the contrast drawn by both the bill and the rally as an advantageous one for the president."

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