lundi 3 octobre 2011

Monday night footbal, Obama et Hitler: Hank Williams jr ne chantera plus pour ESPN

Quelle façon bête de perdre cette belle vitrine pour lui... Une comparaison idiote et grossière. Il y a des artistes qui devraient s'abstenir de commenter la politique.

"Hank Williams Jr. won't be ready for some football this Monday night.

ESPN bounced Williams' trademark opening "Are you ready for some football?" after the longtime voice of Monday Night Football's theme song, after he compared President Obama to Adolf Hitler.

"While Hank Williams, Jr. is not an ESPN employee, we recognize that he is closely linked to our company through the open to Monday Night Football," an ESPN spokesman wrote in an email to the Daily News.

"We are extremely disappointed with his comments, and as a result we have decided to pull the open from tonight's telecast."

The award-winning country singer made the controversial comparison in an interview on Fox and Friends Monday morning in a bizarre chat about politics.

Williams began his TV appearance by slamming the GOP presidential candidates and saying House Majority Leader John Boehner's golf game with Obama was a huge mistake.

"You remember the golf game they had? That was one of the biggest political mistakes ever. That turned a lot of people off. It just didn't go over," he said.
When asked what about the game he didn't like, Williams Jr. pointed to the participants.

"Come on, come on, that would be like Hitler playing golf with [Israeli prime minister Benjamin] Netanyahu," he said. "In the shape this country is in?"

When host Brian Kilmeade said he didn't understand the analogy, Williams Jr. replied "I'm glad you don't brother, because a lot of people do. They're the enemy... Obama! And Biden! Are you kidding? The Three Stooges."

It was not clear who the third stooge was in that analogy.

"The one that makes the most sense is Hermann Cain," he said, of the Republican field.

The hosts noted Williams once supported Sarah Palin.

"Boy was I … I don't know, like I said guys they've turned a lot of people off," he said. "Look at USA Today poll, 89% said Congress should be completely replaced. I agree with them. The healthcare bill doesn't fly either."

Gretchen Carlson then brought up that he obviously wasn't a fan of the President or Congress working together to find compromise.

"We're more polarized than we've ever been guys, I'm not going to sugarcoat it …" he said.

"Well you didn't," she said. "You used the name of one of the most hated people in the entire world to describe the President …"

Williams Jr. then smirked and said "Well that's true. But I'm telling you like it is … Like Fred Thompson said you may not want to ask me a question because I'll give you too straight of an answer.""

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