Une question qui trotte dans la tête des démocrates... Obama et Biden ont exprimé une cetrtaine sympathie pour la frustration des participants, mais on craint de s'associer au "Tea party de la gauche".
"The Occupy Wall Street movement is growing, and with it a national fervor increasingly backed by progressive base groups.
Regardless of where it shakes out in the end, the left — right now — is pretty darn fired up.
So what’s a Democrat to do?
Publicly, Democratic leaders have offered degrees of cautious interest in the movement, but mostly steered clear of getting too close.
“Obviously I’ve heard of it,” President Obama said in his Thursday press conference. “I’ve seen it on television.”
But a TV screen is about as close as Obama got:
I think it expressed the frustrations that the American people feel that we had the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression, huge collateral damage all throughout he country, all across Main Street, and yet you’re still seeing some of the same folks who acted irresponsibly trying to fight efforts to crack down on abusive practices that got us into this problem in the first place. So yes I think people are frustrated and the protestors are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works.
Vice President Biden offered a similar take. “Do you stand in solidarity” with the movement, Biden was asked Thursday, as picked up by Dave Weigel.
“Let’s be honest with one another. What is the core of that protest? The core is: The bargain has been breached,” Biden said. “Look, there’s a lot in common with the Tea Party. The Tea Party started, why? TARP. They thought it was unfair.”
So basically your classic non-answer-answer. Obama and Biden aren’t on board, but they’re not not on board either."
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