lundi 3 octobre 2011

Occupy Wall Street: un autre "printemps arabe"?

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at

Le regroupement s'inspire du Printemps arabe pour établir sa stratégie.

"Now in its 17th day, the de facto leadership of the protests lies in a body that calls itself the “General Assembly,” which The Nation, a progressive magazine, describes as “a horizontal, autonomous, leaderless, modified-consensus-based system with roots in anarchist thought.”

This “horizontal” mind-set finds a companion in the un-hierarchical world of the Internet, where blogs have helped to organize and mobilize demonstrators in New York City and elsewhere. The online nature of the protests has inspired copycat events that have spread as far as New Mexico, Los Angeles and Toronto.

“We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants,” explains the website.

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