Le gouverneur Brown a signé une loi interdisant la pratique du "open carry". Il dit avoir respecté les propositions des forces de l'ordre. Il y a actuellement 42 états qui autorisent l'open carry (les armes ne doivent cependant pas être chargées...)!
With the announcement early Monday that he had outlawed the public display of handguns in California, Gov. Jerry Brown bucked a national trend toward more lenient firearms laws and placed himself in the political cross-hairs of the state's 2nd Amendment activists.
Brown, the owner of three guns, said in a statement that he signed a bill banning the open carrying of handguns at the urging of law enforcement officials, who included Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck. It will take effect Jan. 1.
"I listened to the California police chiefs," the governor wrote.
California has allowed weapons to be displayed in public, provided they are not loaded. Gun enthusiasts took advantage of that to gather at Bay Area Starbucks outlets last year with pistols on their hips. Police chiefs and sheriffs complained that panicked customers' calls were diverting them from chasing real criminals.
Sam Paredes, executive director of the advocacy group Gun Owners of California, said the ban could lead, paradoxically, to more carrying of handguns. Courts, he reasoned, could now force the state's police to distribute more concealed-weapon permits to allow citizens to exercise their rights.
"This situation will be a catalyst to unite all of the gun community in lawsuits,'' Paredes said. "The probable outcome is you will have far more people carrying concealed loaded guns as opposed to openly carrying unloaded guns.''
The open-carry prohibition was one of a clutch of bills the governor approved that stepped up gun control in California. One requires that sales records on long guns, including rifles, be kept by the state Justice Department to help solve crimes; another funds an aggressive campaign to get weapons held by felons off the streets.
By backing such measures, Brown is wading into a contentious national debate — and moving in a distinctly different direction from most of the country, according to organizations on both sides of the firearm debate.
Forty-two states allow open carry. Four recently passed laws permitting residents to tote guns anywhere, even into churches, bars and government buildings."
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