mercredi 12 octobre 2011

Peine de mort: le peloton d'exécution ou l'injection?

Des républicains de la Floride (dont le représentant Brad Drake)souhaite une loi qui offrirait le choix aux condamnés à mort!

"Drake said in a statement Tuesday that his bill is a response to debate over the effectiveness of the cocktail of drugs currently used for lethal injections. "So, I say let's end the debate," he said. "We still have Old Sparky. And if that doesn't suit the criminal, then we will provide them a .45 caliber lead cocktail instead."

Some states, like Florida, still allow death row inmates to choose between electrocution and lethal injection. Drake's bill would replace the lethal injection option with a firing squad. According to the bill, the number of members of the firing squad would be decided by the warden.

Drake said he got the idea from a fellow patron at a local Waffle House, whom he overheard making the suggestion."There shouldn't be anything controversial about a .45-caliber bullet. If it were up to me we would just throw them off the Sunshine Skyway bridge and be done with it," Drake said, The Florida Current reports."

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