mercredi 19 octobre 2011

Susan Sarandon: Benoît XVI un nazi?

Vous vous souvenez peut-être que Benoît XVI a intégré les Jeunesses hitlériennes. Il ne fut pas le seul à être obligé de s'enrôler et le Vatican n'a pas cherché à cacher cette histoire. Aujourd'hui on réagit vivement aux propos de la célèbre artiste engagée.

"Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon is feeling the heat from Catholic and Jewish groups after reportedly calling Pope Benedict XVI a Nazi during an interview with actor Bob Balaban at the Hamptons Film Festival in New York on Saturday.

Newsday first reported the incident, and described the chain of events that led to the "offhand" comment:

She was discussing her 1995 film "Dead Man Walking," based on the anti-death-penalty book by Sister Helen Prejean, a copy of which she sent to the pope.
"The last one," she said, "not this Nazi one we have now." Balaban gently tut-tutted, but Sarandon only repeated her remark.
The Vatican has been open about Pope Benedict XVI's temporary membership in the Hitler Youth during the 1940s. As the report by Reuters explains, many children were forced to be part of the group during that time.

Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, called the actress' comment "despicable," E! News reports. He added that Sarandon didn't know what she is talking about, pointing out that the Pope left the military as soon as he was able.

The Anti Defamation League also issued as statement asking for Sarandon to apologize for her remark. "Such words are hateful, vindictive and only serve to diminish the true history and meaning of the Holocaust," CNN reports.

Neither the star, nor her rep, has commented on the incident, the Associated Press reports. The Newsday blogger points out that the quip might have not been intentional; perhaps she it meant it as slang for "dictatorial" or "cold," he stated."

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