On peut aisément penser que certains médias américains trouvent dans les "malheurs" d'Herman Cain de la bonne copie ou de bons reportages pour augmenter le tirage ou les cotes d'écoute. On peut aussi imaginer que les rivaux républicains de Cain puissent voir d'un bon oeil une éventuelle baisse des appuis pour ce candidat (ce que ne semble pas se produire actuellement). Même l'équipe de campagne de Barack Obama doit se réjouir des démêlées des républicains autour de cette question. Ce qui m'intéresse le plus, au-delà des potins, c'est l'incapacité de Cain à se défaire de cette histoire. Les journalistes de Politico ont avisé Cain une dizaine de jours avant de produire leur article et personne dans son équipe ne semble avoir envisagé une stratégie! Les dirigeants du Parti républicain doivent s'arracher les cheveux... Pendant tout ce temps, on attaque pas Obama et on avance pas d'idées.
"A fourth woman is making sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain, claiming that the Republican presidential candidate exhibited inappropriate behavior when he was serving as head of the National Restaurant Association more than a decade ago, according to Michael van Poppel at BNO News.
The woman reportedly making the accusations will hold a press conference with her attorney Gloria Allred on Monday.
Politico's initial report cited that two women accused Cain of inappropriate behavior. A third ex-employee came forward last Wednesday, alleging misconduct on his part.
Cain has denied the sexual harassment charges from the start. On Saturday, he appeared to be in no mood to answer questions on the issue, snapping at reporters before his one-on-one debate with fellow GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich.
Cain supporters directed some dissatisfaction toward the media last week, releasing an ad criticizing the coverage of the sexual harassment controversy. Gingrich echoed those sentiments in a Monday morning interview on NBC's "Today" Show, saying there is a gap between the "gossip" reporters pursue and deeper issues at hand.
Cain's Iowa director, Larry Tuel, has also expressed suspicion regarding the timing of the swarm of sexual harassment allegations.
"This story's been known about," Tuel told The National Review. "It's not like this just popped up. I know reporters that have known about it for weeks and weeks. And all of a sudden when Mr. Cain gets to the top of the polls, ahead of Romney -- 29-23 in one -- then the story breaks. The timing, to me, is odd.""
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