Même si elle croit que son oncle n'aurait pas condamné le mouvement, Mme King, contrairement à Jesse Jackson, ne croit pas qu'on puisse associer les deux démarches.
"“I believe that Rev. Jackson is doing a disservice,” Alveda King said on Fox News Monday morning. “My uncle, the whole [civil rights] movement, was founded in prayer, in crying out to God in a peaceful movement. And this [Occupy] movement is not peaceful.”
King, the director of Priests for Life African American Outreach, said she believes ACORN — which was fined earlier this year for organizing an illegal voter-registration program — to be “somewhere in the mix” with the Occupy movement and that her uncle “certainly could not have condoned voter fraud.”
Saying Jackson “needs to revisit his 20th-century history,” King said Monday the civil rights movement was founded on prayer, peace, nonviolence and order, whereas the Occupiers began their protests out of “frustration.”
“They wanted something that would give them solutions, something that would make things better, and what they’re doing now, Rev. Jackson knows that this is not the model that my uncle and my father, Rev. A.D. King, upheld,” she said.
Jackson visited Occupy protesters in Atlanta over the weekend to show his support and told protesters in Woodruff Park that the Occupy demonstrations were an extension of the King Jr.’s Poor People’s Movement."
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