mardi 13 décembre 2011

Bill Clinton participera à la campagne d'Obama en 2012

Toujours un risque de jouer aux côtés de Bill Clinton, mais l'ancien Président est toujours populaire et, surtout, crédible lorsqu'il parle d'économie.

"The Obama campaign will get some help next year from a Democrat who knows something about getting re-elected — Bill Clinton.
Campaign manger Jim Messina said at a briefing for reporters Tuesday morning that he and top strategist David Axelrod “got to spend a little time with President Clinton about a month ago, discussing his involvement in the campaign.

“It was a great time to get his advice, and I think you’ll see the president out there with us next year,” Messina said.
Messina also said Vice President Joe Biden “is a great campaigner, and you will see him on the stump as much as we can have him.
“He clearly has a major role inside the administration on day-to-day things, but you will see the vice president ready and raring,” he said. “He’s always done very, very well connecting with voters, and you’ll see us use him in many ways.”"

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