dimanche 11 décembre 2011

Mitt Romney et Rick Perry: pari de 10 000$

Mauvaise idée de Mitt Romney que ce pari en direct. Les démocrates récupèrent déjà la déclaration...

"This should play well to the 99% crowd: without skipping a beat at the Saturday night debate here, Mitt Romney held out his hand and offered to bet Rick Perry $10,000 that he didn’t change the health care text in his book..

In a throwback to debates from the late summer, Perry was attacking Romney over a claim that Romney changed the text his book, No Apology between hardback and softcover editions to delete a line about taking his Massachusetts health care plan to the whole country.

Romney said the story was not true and bet Perry $10,000 Perry couldn’t prove "

Lien pour la réaction démocrate:

"Democrats could barely contain their glee after Mitt Romney proposed a $10,000 bet with Rick Perry over his health care position.

“He’s going to own that $10,000 bet line,” DNC communications director Brad Woodhouse said on Twitter. “Nothing else he has said in this debate matters.”

Before the debate ended, the DNC was out with an e-mail to reporters trying to put the $10,000 number into perspective, noting it was more than the average in-state tuition at a public university, for example.

But it was Twitter where things really took off. DNC officials, starting with press secretary Melanie Roussell, began tweeting a #What10kbuys hashtag to amplify their message, with items like a year of daycare for the average family. Within less than a half hour of the debate’s end, it was one of the top trending topics not just in Iowa, or in the United States, but around the world, according to Twitter."


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