jeudi 8 décembre 2011

Twitter se refait une beauté!

J'utilise peu ou pas Twitter (il n'y a que 24h dans une journée...), mais je m'intéresse beaucoup à ce jouet. Déjà une évolution...

"Twitter unveiled a major redesign of its popular microblogging website on Thursday designed to make it “faster and simpler,” and more accessible to those outside of its current base of 100 million active users.

The company promoted the redesign on (where else?) Twitter under the hashtag #LetsFly and posted a space-themed YouTube video demonstrating the site’s basic new features, which include new brand pages, a re-oriented webpage and new, separate tabs for “@replies,” Twitter’s mode of back-and-forth communication between users, and “hashtags,” the topical groupings of tweets denoted by the “#” symbol."

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