lundi 6 février 2012

Question raciale et campagne 2012: encore...

Il semble impossible de mettre la question raciale de côté lorsqu'il est question de la présidence Obama. J'affirmais dans une autre entrée qu'il était symboliquement important que le premier Président noir obtienne un second mandat. Je crois qu'Obama est la meilleure option dans le contexte actuel, j'estime aussi que le message de sa réélection est important pour les minorités et, surtout, pour la communauté noire. Voici un topo des derniers "épisodes".

 "In the past several months, Newt Gingrich has drawn sharp criticism for labeling Obama the “food stamp president” and for suggesting poor kids in New York’s majority-minority school system burnish their work ethic by picking up mops. First lady Michelle Obama bridled at the perception that she’s an “angry black woman.” Obama’s Chicago-based campaign has pushed back against stories that he’s more or less given up on the white vote.

 But nothing has illustrated the potentially explosive political impact of race — an issue that Obama has downplayed throughout his career — like the firestorm around the image of Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer wagging her finger at the first black president of the United States.

If there were any illusion that 2012 would be the post-racial election most Americans hoped for, it vanished with that single shake of a finger and 30 seconds of sniping lost to history in the turbine roar of Air Force One. The issue that sparked the tarmac showdown was nominally the ongoing battle between Brewer and the White House over immigration policy. But the brief episode infuriated African-American leaders, who saw the image of a white conservative berating Obama as the visual summation of all the disrespect shown to Obama by white antagonists from Joe “You lie!” Wilson to Glenn Beck to Gingrich.

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