jeudi 5 avril 2012

MIssissippi et avortement: restreindre...

Si on ne peut s'attaquer au droit à l'avortement, on peut le rendre moins accessible. Une stratégie que plusieurs états américains utilisent depuis quelques années.

 "Mississippi lawmakers passed a bill Wednesday that would require any physician performing abortions in the state to be a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist and to have admitting privileges at an area hospital. The bill "should effectively close the only abortion clinic in Mississippi," said Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves in a statement. "This is a strong bill that will effectively end abortion in Mississippi." If the state's only abortion facility, Jackson Women's Health Organization, closes, Mississippi women seeking abortions would have to leave the state. The clinic's owner, Diane Derzis, said in a telephone interview that all her doctors are obstetrician-gynecologists, but only one has admitting privileges at an area hospital. She vowed to fight to remain open. "We are going to do everything we can to remain there ... we are not going to let the women of Mississippi down," said Derzis. Wednesday's vote by the state Senate is the latest in a string of attempts by lawmakers to close her facility, she said. Last year, the state introduced a bill known as the Personhood Amendment, which would have defined life as beginning at the moment of conception. The bill was defeated by voters in November."

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