mardi 15 mai 2012

DSK poursuit Nafissatou Diallo pour 1 million!

DSK contre-attaque... Avait-il besoin de Diallo pour nuire à sa réputation maintenant que d'autres épisodes peu glorieux ont été révélés?

 "On the first anniversary of his blockbuster arrest, DSK accused Nafissatou Diallo of “knowingly and intentionally making a false report to law-enforcement authorities” that cost him his job as head of the International Monetary Fund. DSK also says the “malicious and wanton false allegation” damaged his worldwide reputation and caused him to lose “other professional opportunities.”

Although the Bronx Supreme Court filing doesn’t specify those job prospects, the disgraced economist admits elsewhere in court papers “that he ‘was considered by some to become the next president of France.’ ”

 That post has since gone to François Hollande, who narrowly defeated incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy.

DSK’s countersuit charges Diallo with malicious prosecution, abuse of process, false imprisonment, defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The philandering Frenchman, who’s married to journalist Anne Sinclair, admits that he and Diallo “engaged in mutually consensual sexual acts” in his luxury suite at the Midtown Sofitel hotel.

But after Diallo “falsely reported that she had been sexually assaulted,” DSK says he was arrested and “subjected to a degrading and humiliating strip search; photographed naked; and forced to provide penal (sic) swabs as part of a forensic examination.”

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