mercredi 27 mars 2013

Mariage gai: le juge Scalia s'inquiète pour les enfants

 Risqué pour les enfants d'avoir des parents de même sexe? C'est la question posée mardi par le juge Antonin Scalia.

 "“If you redefine marriage to include same-sex couples,” he said, “you must permit adoption by same-sex couples, and there’s considerable disagreement among sociologists as to what the consequences of raising a child in a single-sex family, whether that is harmful to the child or not. Some states do not permit adoption by same-sex couples for that reason.”

 “I don’t think we know the answer to that,” he said. “Do you know the answer to that, whether it harms or helps the child? … That’s a possible deleterious effect, isn’t it?”%% Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg retorted that Scalia’s question was irrelevant because California permits same sex couples to adopt regardless of whether they’re married.

 “It’s true, but irrelevant,” Scalia rejoined. “They’re arguing for a nationwide rule which applies to states other than California, that every state must allow marriage by same-sex couples. And so even though states that believe it is harmful — and I take no position on whether it’s harmful or not, but it is certainly true that there’s no scientific answer to that question at this point in time.”

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