samedi 25 janvier 2014

Le State of the Union address (SOTU): exhibitionnisme politique?

Les penseurs de la Constitution américaine se seraient-ils trompés? L'exercice visant à informer le Congrès de l'état de l'Union ne se limite-t-il qu'à un spectacle partisan préparé pour la télévision? L'opinion de George Will dans le Washington Post.

" As undignified as it is unedifying and unnecessary, the vulgar State of the Union circus is again at our throats. The document that the Constitutional Convention sent forth from Philadelphia for ratification in 1787 was just 4,543 words long, but this was 17 too many. America would be a sweeter place if the Framers had not included this laconic provision pertaining to the president: “He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union.”

 “Information”? Not exactly.

 The Constitution’s mild requirement has become a tiresome exercise in political exhibitionism, the most execrable ceremony in the nation’s civic liturgy, regardless of which party’s president is abusing it. You worship bipartisanship? There is not a dime’s worth of difference between the ways the parties try to milk partisan advantage from this made-for-television political pep rally.

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