mercredi 15 janvier 2014

Obamacare: un juge rejette une poursuite

Une fois de plus l'Affordable care act s'en tire devant les tribunaux...

 "The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled against the challengers, who argued that that the text of Obamacare did not allow the law's premium tax credits to be offered on federal insurance exchanges -- that they must only be available through state-based exchanges.

Judge Paul L. Friedman called that argument "unpersuasive," saying it didn't pass legal muster and ran counter to the central purpose of the Affordable Care Act.

 "Plaintiffs' proposed construction in this case – that tax credits are available only for those purchasing insurance from state-run Exchanges – runs counter to this central purpose of the ACA: to provide affordable health care to virtually all Americans," Friedman wrote in a 39-page decision. "Such an interpretation would violate the basic rule of statutory construction that a court must interpret a statute in light of its history and purpose."

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