jeudi 20 février 2014

Thriller: victoire du Canada contre les États-Unis au hockey féminin (Washington Post)

Des rivales qui se détestent et qui dominent le hockey féminin. Une finale particulièrement serrée, le Canada qui égalise la marque en fin de troisième période et le sort du match qui se décide en prolongation, même le très sérieux Washington Post ne pouvait ignorer une telle confrontation!

 "The hate that the Canada and United States women’s hockey teams feel for each other is not of the cartoonish, theatrical type preferred by athletic rivals who feel an obligation to entertain as well as compete. This is real hate, visceral and consuming, and it could be felt throughout their 60-minute clash Thursday night with the Sochi Games gold medal at stake.

And so, as Canada’s players came surging over the boards to celebrate another championship, it may very well have been a toss-up as to what was more satisfying for them: Hugging their own teammates in victory, or watching the Americans slink off the ice in defeat.

 The 3-2 overtime victory for the Canadians at the Bolshoy Ice Dome, on a goal by Marie-Philip Poulin, continued a period of Canadian dominance in the Olympics going all the way back to 1998, the last time they lost an Olympic game.

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