mardi 9 septembre 2014

La présidence Obama un échec?

Ils sont 52% à croire que la gestion du président Obama constitue un échec selon ce sondage (Washington Post/ABC). Des chiffres qui expliquent pourquoi plusieurs démocrates du congrès ne souhaitent pas être associés au président pour la présente élection (novembre 2014).

 "According to a Washington Post/ABC News poll released Tuesday, 52 percent of Americans say Obama’s presidency has been a failure, compared with 42 percent who believe it has been a success. Thirty-nine percent believe strongly that his presidency is a failure, just 3 points below his total success score.

The numbers are similar to the president’s approval rating, as reported in the survey. Fifty-one percent of Americans disapprove of Obama’s job performance, while 42 percent approve. More people disapprove than approve of Obama’s handling of the economy, implementation of the Affordable Care Act, international affairs and immigration issues.

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