jeudi 9 octobre 2014

Avortement: dissuader des adolescentes

Article intéressant sur le site de Mother Jones autour de l'accès à l'avortement. Certains états permettent l'avortement si un des deux parents donne son accord. Il est possible de contourner cette obligation si on demande une autorisation à un juge, un processus difficile à gérer.  Pertinent ou pas?  À vous de juger!

"The process sounds simple: Go to a courthouse, file a form, and get a private hearing within a day or so. If the judge—who usually holds the hearing in his or her chambers—denies the petition, a minor has a right to a speedy appeal. A pregnant teen, according to standards defined by the Supreme Court, must show either that she is mature enough to have an abortion without her parents' involvement or that an abortion is in her best interest. "The way most laws are written, if you follow the statute, Jane Doe wins almost every time," Hays says. But in practice, girls are at the mercy of whichever judge they happen to draw, says Anne Dellinger, a retired University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill professor who has studied the bypass system. "If a girl wanders into the wrong [court], she doesn't have a chance," Dellinger says. With few checks on the system, Hays adds, judges are free to impose their beliefs on the girls who appear before them: "

It's the law of bullies." La totalité de l'article:

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