jeudi 13 novembre 2014

Bill Cosby: des histoires de viol qui refont surface

Comme plusiers québécois de ma génération j'ai regardé et apprécié le Cosby show. Au-delà de la populaire série, j'ai souvent admiré le talent comique de Bill Cosby. J'avais entendu quelques potins au sujet d'allégations et d'accusations de viol, mais chaque fois j'en arrivais à la conclusion que la célébrité entraîne parfois ce lot de rumeurs négatives émanant de rivaux ou de personnes qui tentent d'arracher quelques dollars. Dans le cas de Cosby ces histoires refusent de mourir et ce matin le Washington Post présente dans ses pages un nouveau témoignage.

 "Fixing this problem demands more than public shaming. For Cosby to commit these assaults against multiple victims over several years, there had to be a network of willfully blind wallflowers at best, or people willing to aid him in committing these sexual crimes at worst. As I told the Daily Mail, when I was a teenager, his assistants transported me to hotels and events to meet him. When I blacked out at Cosby’s home, there were several staffers with us. My agent, who introduced me to Cosby, had me take a pregnancy test when I returned from my last trip with him. Talent agents, hotel staff, personal assistants and others who knowingly made arrangements for Cosby’s criminal acts or overlooked them should be held equally accountable.

I have never received any money from Bill Cosby and have not asked for it. I have nothing to gain by continuing to speak out. He can no longer be charged for his crimes against me because the statute of limitations is long past. That is also wrong. There should be no time limits on reporting these crimes, and one of my goals is to call for legislation to that end. Famous and wealthy perpetrators use their power to shame and silence their victims. It often takes years for young women to overcome those feeling and gain the confidence to come forward (by which point physical evidence is long gone). Our legal system shouldn’t silence them a second time."

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