mercredi 12 novembre 2014

Bush 43 publie une biographie de Bush 41

Inspiré par l'histoire du seul autre duo père-fils à se retrouver au poste de président dans l'histoire américaine, George W. Bush souhaitait publier une biographie que son père pourrait lire. Contrairement à John Adams et son fils John Quincy Adams, George W. a pu bénéficier du soutien de père pendant ses huit années à la présidence alors que John Adams est décédé à peine seize mois après l'entrée en fonction de son fils. Une belle occasion le prédécesseur d'Obama de jeter un nouveau regard sur la présidence de son père et, peut-être, d'apporter un nouvel éclairage sur ses propres décisions.

 "Left unspoken was the fact that many view his father more positively today in part because of the comparison with his son’s presidency, which was characterized by controversial decisions to invade Iraq in the belief that it had unconventional weapons, to authorize warrantless surveillance to track terrorists and to subject some captives to brutal interrogation techniques in an effort to gain information to stop future attacks.

As it stands, the younger Mr. Bush has already enjoyed his own more modest revival in public standing since leaving office, according to polls, and he used his book, published by Crown, to explain some of his own decisions, most notably the decision to depose Saddam Hussein in Iraq. “I was not trying ‘to finish what my father had begun,’ as some have suggested,” he wrote. “My motivation was to protect the United States of America, as I had sworn an oath to do.”

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