mardi 11 novembre 2014

Jeb Bush: sa plus grande faiblesse

Si Hillary Clinton devra composer avec le bilan de son célèbre époux lorsqu'elle se lancera dans la course, Jeb Bush devra se démarquer de l'héritage familial, surtout celui de son frère.

 "It’s right here, in the heavily Christian heart of the state, where three generations of Bushes tried to convince voters that they’re really connected to the heartland. That the Bush family DNA is defined by ordinary American values—and not the blue-blood lineage that traces to Yale, the private schools in the Northeast and straight to Wall Street.

It’s been part of every Bush campaign dating back to the early 1960s, and the strategy often seemed to reach its apotheosis in College Station, a place so comfortable to the Bushes that some dubbed it “Kennebunkport South.” Years later, it was a pretty easy decision to steer the first Bush presidential library to the city. The Bush clan liked coming here. So did their friends. Chuck Norris and Garth Brooks (and Brit Hume) were known to come pay homage."

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