mercredi 5 novembre 2014

L'âme du Parti républicain: la bataille est commencée

L'importante victoire d'hier pour les républicains signifie également que les élus républicains devront s'entendre sur l'orientation du parti. Va-t-on choisir une voie plus modérée ou celle des plus conservateurs dont le sénateur Ted Cruz est un chef de file? La faction Tea party est toujours influente.

 "Conservative activists are not going to be interested in small ball — the kinds of little legislative victories that could help the Republicans keep the Senate for more than two years. They’re going to want the GOP to pick big fights with Obama, and give the voters the clearest possible choice in 2016.

They want the GOP Senate to do everything it can to repeal Obamacare, fight regulations across the board, and hold the line against immigration reform — setting up a likely clash if Obama moves ahead with his expected executive order on immigration.

“Just like the House majority four years earlier, the new Senate Republican majority is built on the repeal of Obamacare. And in a stark departure from conventional wisdom, nearly every newly elected Republican Senator ran against amnesty,” said Dan Holler, a spokesman for Heritage Action for America. “As we move forward, Republicans must govern as they campaigned.”

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