vendredi 7 novembre 2014

Les petits soldats verts font leur entrée au Temple de la renommée des jouets

Des souvenirs d'enfance pour moi alors que pour les plus jeunes ce sont des vedettes du film Toy story.

 "Made of molded plastic and standing two to four inches tall, little green army men marched onto the toy scene in 1938. They evolved from the metal and lead toy soldiers of previous centuries, but these new combatants represented soldiers in the mid-20th century United States military (mostly army infantry). Later, manufacturers produced French, German, Japanese, and other variants to battle across backyards and make-believe nations. Little green army men suffered a decline in popularity during the Vietnam War, but their sales increased in the 1980s and 1990s. In 1995, they hit the big screen in Pixar’s Toy Story—and they appeared in two more Toy Story films. Today, multiple manufacturers produce millions of little green army men annually, and they continue to prompt narratives of heroism and daring in children’s imaginations."

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