lundi 3 novembre 2014

Mourir dans la dignité: "Paix et amour à vous tous" (Brittany Maynard juste avant sa mort)

Une histoire particulièrement émouvante qui force la réflexion. Brittany Maynard, 29 ans, souhaitait mettre fin à ses jours à sa manière. Elle était atteinte d'un cancer incurable au cerveau. En Oregon une loi autorise la "mort dans la dignité", mais les opposants sont nombreux aux États-Unis. Sa mort a donc valeur de symbole. Qu'on soit pour ou contre ce type de législation, la réflexion et les arguments de Brittany Maynard méritent notre attention.

 "Maynard passed away Saturday, said the group, which released an official obituary. The epitaph contained a final message from Maynard, who expressed a note of deep thanks to all of her supporters, whom she "sought out like water" during her life and illness.

"It is people who pause to appreciate life and give thanks who are happiest. If we change our thoughts, we change our world! Love and peace to you all," she said.

Maynard graduated from University of California, Berkeley, and earned a Masters in Education from University of California, Irvine, according to the obituary. She was a world traveler who volunteered at a local animal rescue organization before her diagnosis and lived 29 years of "generosity, compassion, education, travel, and humor," it said."

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