vendredi 7 novembre 2014

Obama double les effectifs en Irak

Des effectifs supplémentaires pour entraîner les troupes irakiennes. Cet envoi est cependant conditionnel à l'appui du congrès qui doit débloquer des sommes supplémentaires.

 "The new troops will deploy to Iraq in two batches, a defense official told reporters at the Pentagon. The first will expand the “advise-and-assist” mission that Army Special Forces soldiers began during the summer. The second batch will begin what the official called “building partner capacity” — training Iraqi troops at locations across the country.

Some portion of the 1,500 will provide force protection for the trainers and advisers. When they arrive it, would put the number of American troops in Iraq at around 3,000.

 The new deployment will enable the U.S. to expand its support for Iraqi troops struggling against ISIL terrorists in the western Anbar Province."

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